Thursday, June 10, 2010

It is Official

Family know, friends know and now my work knows. Larry and I are moving from the sleepy hamlet of Ozona, Florida to the bustling metropolis of Perth, Australia. I am creating this blog to document our incredible journey and to keep our large group of family and friends apprised of how we are doing during our first year.

Larry and I were recently married, 28 October 2009 to be exact. Larry is among other things such as my husband and my best friend and my personal psychologist, a management consultant for the largest consulting firm in the world. I am about to be an unemployed lawyer. We are 44 and 35 respectively and are about to press control, alt, delete on the life we have here on the west coast of Florida, U.S.A.

We've been to Australia before. In fact we were married in Australia, Katoomba, NSW. Thanks to Susan Muldrock ( we had a smashing elopement. During our honeymoon, we fell in love with the country and often joked with each other about moving there. In fact, prior to meeting me Larry almost transfered to his company's office in Melbourne. Wouldn't that have altered history! When the opportunity presented itself for Larry to make a growth career move, we jumped at it.

Our big moving date is August 5, or should I write 5 August. After 24 hours in three different planes we will reach Perth in the afternoon on the 7th of August, just in time for a nap before dinner or supper or whatever they call it. As the smallest ethnic group in the Perth metropolitan area it will be interesting to see how we adjust to life there: right hand drive, vegemite and footy are only some of the unique atributes of Australia.

Hopefully this blog will not only keep us connected with our family and friends, but let everyone who reads it find the courage to make that leap, whether it be a move of this magnitude or something much smaller, to actualize their dreams and attain their goals.


  1. Great idea!! We plan to live your adventure vicariously through your blog. We also will relive the memories of some of our experiences and adventures we have had as we lived"wherener".
    YOu will learn so much and become so much closer through this experience.

  2. We both wish you lots of dreams come true...may you find happiness and joy in your adventure...Lots of love, Susan

  3. Thanks for the comments and good wishes. I think the "huge-ness" of this move is starting to sink in. The blog is going to be a great outlet for me.
